Christian Kunze - "FVA Car Guy" - Presents a Series of Webinars on Automotive Gearboxes

Using concentrated theoretical and practical knowledge, we present everything you need to know about gearbox technologies in the automotive environment in four webinar modules.

Are you a beginner in the automotive field?
We will present everything you need to know about gearbox technologies in the automotive environment in a series of four webinars, using concentrated theoretical and practical knowledge to put your career in the fast lane.

Premiere - in 2020 we are offering our first webinar series:
Online knowledge transfer - in just 90 minutes - from industry experts - without the need to travel.

Register now

"As the FVA Car Guy, gearboxes for mobile applications are close to my heart.“
Christian Kunze, instructor


06.03.2020: Module 1 - System Configuration
13.03.2020: Module 2 - System Design
20.03.2020: Module 3 - Manual Gearbox Assemblies
27.03.2020: Module 4 - Automatic Gearbox Assemblies

Webinars are in German. Alternative dates are offered for all modules. Click here for an overview.